Monday, 17 June 2013

True Blood 6.1 Review: Who Are You, Really?

True Blood has always worked best when its characters are all involved in the plot, and picking up from where last season left off, with the Authority destroyed and Bill's downing of Lillith's blood, provided an action-packed and exciting beginning to the new season. Sookie and the others fled from a crumbling authority, trying as fast as they could to get away from 'Billith', and it was all very suspenseful, until, at least, the group stopped to get their bearings and Jason's new-found and over-the-top hatred for vampires ruined the dynamic.

I love that Bill was able to summon Jessica, and while we didn't really learn anything new about what happened to Bill, the episode was an interesting springboard for the rest of the season. Sookie is ready to stay away from vampires for good, and while viewers have heard that before, her ability to stake Bill, and to rescind her invitation to her house from Eric (quite unexpected), shows she's serious (although I doubt this will last long, she always pulled back in, and she should be, otherwise I imagine her characters story lines would be quite boring). Eric and Nora plan to stop 'Billith' someone, and while Nora has yet to be developed as a character it will be good for the show to have a new dynamic to follow. Similarly, Pam and Tara will have to work on their growing relationship, and while I'm not really interested in them as a couple their link to what is likely to be the larger storyline this season, vampire oppressive Louisiana governor Burrel, in this episode was good. After Jason's aforementioned complaining, he tried to hitchhike back to Bon Temps, unfortunately it was with the vampire that killed his parents Warlow, and while it was obvious, it's good to know the character's finally in play and a big threat, considering he was Lillith's protégé as Nora revealed.

All this aside, True Blood still managed to fit in several unrelated story lines for characters that no one really cares about. Sam and Emma escaped the Authority collapsing, but Luna dies saving her daughters life, so we'll have to wait and see where caring for Emma takes Sam this season. Alcide became pack master and if it wasn't for the poor excuse for poor, it wouldn't have been interesting at all. And in what is already likely to be the worst storyline for the entire season, Andy is having difficulty taken care of his triplets born by fairy. It was just like watching a bad sitcom. But at least, unlike previously bad story lines from True Blood, this one seems to be progressing at a much faster pace, considering that by the end of the episode Andy's baby's were grown up enough to talk.

A solid start to the season, but I'm hesitant that by the end of the episode True Blood has already placed its characters into separate story lines away from one another, and I'm afraid we won't get to see the great dynamic experienced at the beginning of the episode for some time.

Rating: 3.5/5

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