Monday, 24 June 2013

True Blood 6.2 Review: The Sun

True Blood got back to basics this week, while still managing to intrigue with new characters and deepening plotlines. Arlene finally called Sookie up on not being at work (when has she ever been there, ever?), but of course she is Sookie and she can't even make it to Merlotte's before literally stumbling into supernatural beings, this one being a  Halfling fairy hybrid like herself named Ben. He's been injured by a vampire and despite her willingness to move past the supernatural and to stop inviting handsome stranger's into her house, she does so anyway because she's Sookie. When he recovers she tells him about the safe place for faeries, the faerie safehouse/ club. She starts to take him there, but when he reads her find and hears the name Bill, she senses gather, and she returns home, directing him the rest of the way, alone. Of course, because it's Sookie, when she returns home she is yet again confronted with the supernatural in Jason bearing their faerie grandfather Naill, who, as it turns out, is not actually Warlow. He tells them that he's there to kill Warlow and that there's a power in their bloodline that allows them to create an orb of light that can kill any vampire it touches, but that Sookie can only ever use it as a last resort because it would drain her fae powers completely. While the verdict is still out on what role Naill will really play for the course of the season, Rutger Hauer is an enigmatic actor, and having him as a parental figure towards Sookie and Jason made both characters a little more tolerable because they were finally being given some strong direction.

Meanwhile Eric was forced to take charge of the Governor Burnell situation after the incident at Fangtasia in which Tara was shot with a very painful to vampires UV light bullet. Pam made it abundantly clear that there were more humans then vampires, and that with weapons like that maybe they should be afraid. Eric was not going to stand by and watch this happen, so hilariously disguised man meant to be discussing a bill about the extinction of the whooping crane with the Governer. Eric tries to glamour him, but they've made contacts that prevent you from being glamoured (wow, who knew humans could actually do stuff?), and Eric is about to be taken away by armed guards when he flies away. Later on  Eric flies up to the room of the Governor's daughter after she has taken off her contacts, and glamours her to let him in. Clichéd, but effective.

Over at Bill's he has an episode in which he can see and feel various vampires being tortured by humans now that they have no rights in Louisiana, and falls into a comatose like state, much to Jessica's dismay. While comatose he has a vision of Lillith who tells him he proved himself worthy as he won the battle for her blood. He asks if he is God to which Lilith says that no he is not god just as she is not god although some will come to worship him as a god just as they do Lilith herself but there is no god but god. Meanwhile, in an attempt to wake Bill from his coma Jessica orders a blonde meal on wheels, and while it initially doesn't seem to rouse him, before the woman can leave Bill opens his mouth and siphons her blood through the air from her mouth. Back in the vision Lilith then tells Bill to trust what he knows and trust what he sees, and when the time comes he will know exactly what to do and she then disappears and he wakes from the coma. The TV in Bill's office turns on as he does so, and Jessica returns at the noise. On the television is a news report highlighting one of the tortured vampires Bill experienced previously, and Jessica exclaims that he can see the future. At that moment Bill has another vision. He sees Jessica, Tara, Eric, Pam, Nora and other vampires standing in what looks like a gas chamber before the roof opens revealing the sun, which precedes to burn all of the vampires.

At Merlotte's Sam is approached by a woman who openly addresses him as a shifter. He takes her to his back office where she introduces herself as Nicole Wright, co founder of the Vampire Unity Society and tells Sam she wants to help Sam come out as a shifter to the world. Sam obviously objects to the idea but Nicole tries to convince him that once humans are done with vampires they'll come after shifter's next and the only way to win would be if all supernatural beings came out publicly in a unified front. Sam is still not interested and she leaves. Later on Sam returns home where Lafayette has being looking after Emma. Martha, Alcide, and Danielle show up asking for Emma now that Luna is dead, but Sam refuses to giver her to them. A fight ensues and the wolfs beat up Sam and Lafayette before taking a screaming Emma. All the while Nicole and three of her friends watch from the bushes filming the incident.

An a very intriguing episodes with majority of the plots moving forward swiftly and some even unexpectedly, I hope there's more episode like this to come.

Rating 4/5

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