Thursday, 7 June 2012

30 Rock Season 6 Final Recap & Review (6.22: What Will Happen to the Gang Next Year?)

Criss is desperate to be able to help out Liz financially so that they could think about 'having a plant' together, so he plans to take his hot dog van, named Van Der Beek, to an event in Queens.

At work, Hazel asks Liz if she can crash with her for a year or two now that she's moved out Rosmond's place. Liz tells her that they need to have boundaries, while Jenna taunts Hazel for her failures.

Jack asks Liz to officiate his and Avery's vow renewal, and while Liz thinks its a sign of deeper martial problem, she agrees. Avery arrives at Jack's office, with her mother Diane, much to Liz's surprise leading to a very tense and awkward situation.

Tracy is named man of the year by the Journal of the Aryan Patriot Party, and becomes concerned that he is not a good role model for African Americans.

During an interview Avery and Scott Scotsman do for NBC, Jack notices both of them tapping their fingers. He quickly returns to his office and watches tapes of the pair of them when they were forced to present the news in Korea. He discovers the pair of them used a secret code to communicate with one another, and possibly had an affair.

Kenneth goes to cry in the stairwell when he receives a letter that he hasn't been accepted back into the NBC page program, but he finds Hazel sitting there. Hazel tells him to stop complaining, because he could have no place to live like her. Kenneth then tells Hazel that she is staying with him.

When Avery returns to Jack's office he reveals he knows the code her and Scott share. She tells him her and Scott have never had a psychical relationship, unlike Jack and Diane. Jack tells Avery she was supposed to have forgiven him for that, and the pair angrily agree that that they problems but that they are going to get through them because they are Jack and Avery and they don't give up.

Jenna overhears that Kenneth and Hazel are now roommates, and Jenna warns tells to leave Kenneth out of their feud, to which Hazel replies that she's already taken care of Kenneth.

Before Jack and Avery's ceremony Liz becomes increasingly concerned about the wedding when both Diane and Scott ask Liz if she plans to say the part 'speak now or forever hold your peace', both expressing that they plan to stop the union. Liz's expresses her worries to Jack and Avery, but they are too preoccupied with not quitting that they ignore her.

Jenna reveals to Kenneth that she went down to Human Resources and discovered that Hazel sabotaged his application to reapply to the page program in order to remove him as a possible threat.

Liz overhears a news report about a bank robbery, and Criss's van is shown as the getaway vehicle. Distressed, she runs from the reception.

At the civil rights museum, Tracy is trying to find inspirational American Americans to look up to. Despite failing to do so, he states he will start his own movie studio, in which everything produced, written, directed and seen will be done so exclusively by African Americans.

Liz runs into Criss outside Rockefeller Plaza and tells him she'll go to prison for the robbery, he tells her that he sold his van that morning in order to get money to pay for their upstairs renovation, and now they both know neither is going to try and bail from the relationship.

During the ceremony Liz states 'speak now or forever hold your peace', but a drunk Diane has fallen asleep, and Scott is sitting next to his fiance before he was kidnapped in Korea, no neither of them say anything. Liz is pleased, but Jack and Avery interrupt her, saying they can't believe no one is going to stop them renewing their vows when there's so much to object to. They reveal they only got married because Avery was pregnant with Liddy, and decide that because they both hate to quit they were hoping someone else would ruin their wedding for them. They ask Liz to divorce them, and she does so.

At his apartment Kenneth confronts Hazel. She tells him it started off as sabotage, but turned into love. He asks her how he can believe her, and they start making out.

As Criss starts work on the renovation, Jack arrives at Liz's apartment with a gift for her for officiating the divorce: the remote control holder she wanted from Sky Maul. She asks for his advice on planning to have a baby with Criss, to which he replies he has no right to give her any because of the state his own life is in. She's asks for it anyway, and he tells her she'll be a good writer.

All of the storylines were strong this episode, but because they were so plot driven it left little time for funny character moments and went more for sentimentality. I liked the way Jack and Avery's relationship ended, both too stubborn to admit that it was a mistake. I'm indifferent towards Criss's character, but it's nice to see Liz happy, but it'll be interesting to see where their relationship goes from here. Ironically, it's Tracy's and Kenneth's storylines that I'm most looking forward to next season. Tracy had little to do this episode, but the announcement that he plans to make his own production company sets up a long, and likely hilarious arc for next season. The same can be said of Kenneth's unexpected relationship with Hazel. While it took me a long while to begin to like Hazel, her obsession with Liz, and now her feud with Jenna have great comedic potential. My problem with Kenneth is that he's been the same character for so long, so seeing him out of his comfort zone and in a relationship will hopefully bring out some funny moments next season.

Quote of the episode:
Hazel - ‘My living situation’s been a little in flux. Obviously I can’t go to a homeless shelter, I mean the people there can be a little too sexually conservative for my taste.’

Rating: 3.5/5

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