Monday, 18 June 2012

True Blood Recap & Review (5.2: Authority Always Wins)

Oh Sookie! Just what have you got yourself into this time turning your best friend into a vampire? A very hungry and violent Tara tried to take a bite out of Sookie and Lafayette, and all Pam could do to help as her maker was command Tara not to eat either of them, or leave Sookie's house. Cue destruction of Sookie's house! Sookie and Lafayette were both good this episode, Sookie, showing what must be her only admirable quality with compassion and understanding towards Tara, and Lafayette, who was acting all scared and torn over bringing Tara back. Tara herself was a little underwhelming, and for the most part you couldn't tell whether she was actually a retarded vampire, or whether she was just having a little difficulty after her transition. In the end it turned out to be more the later, her telling Sookie and Lafayette that she'll never forgive them before running off. And she's back, and I hate her already.

Too bad Pam couldn't stick around and act all authoritative and sarcastic towards her, but she had to return to Fangtasia where she could have some completely unimportant and uninteresting flashbacks to when she and Eric first met.

Terry started his compulsory war flashbacks this episode too, and they were so brief and full of fiery imagery and Patrick, that it made me care even less about what happened. Arlene was though, considering Terry's crazy upped the anti a bit and he started standing over her in the middle of the night and pushing her across Merlotte's kitchen. She goes to Patrick and tells him to fix it (oh I wish it was the easy Arlene), and Terry reveals to Patrick that one of their old war buddy's is in fact alive. Patrick thinks he's responsible, and if this storyline couldn't be annoying enough in Bon Temps, it looks like we're going to get a road trip.

After an unsuccessful road trip of their own, Bill and Eric find themselves at the hands of the infamous Authority. Their hideout looked pretty cool, but their torture methods were outdated and predictable. Plus, they have this super weird religious vibe about them (haven't we done this already?) and they all seem more of a bunch of characters interested in playing bible study and politics to actually do anything. Which is why Bill suggests, predictably, that he and Eric go hunt down Russell as to not have him spoil the Authority's plans.

Alcide has plans of his own, and they don't involve eating dead wolf pack master Marcus or having anything to do with the pack. Just when we think all is done with the werewolves, (wasn't season three the season of the wolf?) Marcus's mother comes to talk to her granddaughter Emma and try and convince Luna to let her have the pack in her life. Luna refuses, and for some ridiculously stupid reason, Sam thinks it might be a good idea for Luna. Much more understandably, Luna kicks Sam's stupid ass out.

Jessica does the same when Steve Newlin comes a knocking trying to buy Jason's love from her, which she naturally refuses. She's still partying it up in Bill's house, but Steve's taunt that Bill's no longer the King might put a serious damper on her new lifestyle, god forbid she tries to be mature for once.

Maybe she should take a leaf out of Jason's book, who's no longer sleeping around and is trying to repent for his past indiscretions, but is actually doing some good police work too. Him and Andy find Debbie's car, and I get all excited that a good storyline might be starting and that a characters actions in True Blood will actually have consequences for once. But that's all put to the side for another episode, as Jason must continue to pay for his past mistakes when some kid comes to the police station and punches him in teh face for having sex with his Mum, and then again when he tries to apologise to Hoyt and is rejected.

This episode was a slow one, but the set up allows for a lot of promising storylines, here's hoping there's more action from now on and that the pay-offs are good ones.

Rating: 3/5

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