Saturday, 26 May 2012

Happy Endings Season 2 Final Recap & Review (2.22: KickBall 2: The Kickening)

Crazy Alex signs the gang up for a kickball competition in order to advertise her store, Xela, and you know when an episode of Happy Endings starts off with everyone agreeing with the shows most bizarre and painfully ignorant character that a high amount of ridiculousness is going to ensue.

Of course, hyper-competitive Jane has already signed up with another team, South side Kaz's Auto body Shop, spurring her sibling rivalry with Alex. They replace her with Scott, who is high on steroids.

Poor Dave, once again the butt of everyone's jokes because of his inability to be good at anything, this time because of a previous kickball incident in which he hit Penny in the face, resulting in jips. He tells Max that the elderly Chinese woman pitching know his game plan.

The gang talk big about loyalty to Jane when they meet Kaz's Auto body Shop team in the semi-finals, before replacing Dave with Chicago Bears line-backer Lance Briggs. Jane pitches Alex out, and they lose, but later Jane reveals they're meeting Ivanoc Nail Salon in the championship final, after Kaz's Auto body shop were disqualified for corking their sneakers with metal.

Naturally, Scotty suffers a serious injury when Max taps him on the back, forcing Dave to play. Dave kicks the ball, and running to the next base, it hits Penny in the face. It bounces off and Ivanoc's Russian captain catches the ball, winning them the game. Xela celebrate Dave overcoming his nerves, as Penny lies crying on the ground.

Compared to last week's episode Four Weddings and a Funeral (Minus Three Weddings and One Funeral, this episode left a lot to be desired in terms of a season final. While we got to see the gang all together, which is generally when sitcoms have their best episodes, the kickball theme was overplayed and over the top.

Quote of the episode:
Kickball Commentator: 'In my thirty-six hours of covering kickball folks I've never seen anything so confusing.'
Rating 2.5/ 5

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