Sunday 14 February 2016

The Big Bang Theory 9.15 Review: The Valentino Submergence

With Valentine's day approaching Sheldon, Leonard, Howard and Raj discuss their romantic plans for the day. Sheldon and Amy are putting on a special live show of Fun with Flags, Leonard and Penny and dinner reservations at a fancy restaurant and Howard and Bernadette are going to break in the new hot tub. Raj tells them that he is spending it with Emily, although he is not too excited about it, having become interested in Claire after their coffee date. Raj, after getting some advice about from Penny, tells Emily that he wants to break up and she can't believe he has chosen to do this right before Valentine's day. He then calls Claire and asks her if she has plans, but she has just gotten back to together with her ex-boyfriend and Raj is left alone for the holiday. I'm glad that the writers have decided to move on from Emily but the problem I have with this is that they've basically wiped the slate clean and re-set his characters' relationship status (and any growth that comes with that) back to zero. They always seem to be trying things with Raj and when it doesn't work out it the end it turns out to be a huge waste of time.

Sheldon surprises Amy by putting her name in the title of Fun with Flags , it now being called 'Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler present Sheldon Cooper’s Fun with Flags'. During their live broadcast they ask people to call in with flag related questions. A depressed Raj rings asking them what is wrong with him beginning a prolonged discussion about relationships, in which Barry Kripke, another lonely watcher joins in (oh how I wish Stuart had joined them). While Sheldon is annoyed that Fun with Flags has resulted in minimal flag talk Amy reminds him that he knows how hard it is to break up with someone, and Sheldon admits that he was glad they broke up because he then realised how much he missed and needed Amy - a similar sentiment to what was attempted to be done at the end of the last week's episode 'The Meemaw Materiaization'. I personally think it worked better here because Sheldon wasn't coerced into saying something nice and genuine about Amy like he was last week my Leonard and Penny in front of his Meemaw.

Despite having dinner reservations Leonard and Penny's wait it still going to be an hour long. Penny convinces Leonard to try and bribe the maĆ®tre d', but his attempt fails. She then tries to flirt with him, but when he calls her 'ma'am' she takes it as a reference to her old age and she decides that her and Leonard should leave. As they eat takeaway in their car (that sounds like a great Valentine's Day to me) Penny expresses her concerns that time has moved so fast since they've meet and they're getting old. Leonard suggests they do something to make them feel young. After being thankful they couldn't get tickets to a 12.00am Moulin Rouge sing-a-long, the pair burst into the apartment where Sheldon and Amy where filming Fun with Flags dressed as cupid and throwing confetti everywhere wishing them a Happy Valentine's Day. It's storylines like this in which it becomes glaringly obvious to me of Leonard and Penny's differences and why I don't like them together. Leonard is a optimitic romantic, appreciating the little things, while Penny is a self-absorbed cynic, at least when things don't go her way. I don't really understand why Penny would have a mini mid-life crisis on Valentine's Day, but it's hard to watch Leonard try and fix imaginary problems Penny has caused in her own head. And I wouldn't really clarify dressing up as cupid as making one feel young again, but you know, whatever works. At least Sheldon seemed to annoy it.

At Howard and Bernadette's they are about to take a spa when they find what they initially think is a rat in the water. They fish it out inly to realise it's a rabbit and they quickly look up on Howard's phone how to make sure it's okay. While nursing it back got health they name the rabbit Valentino (it may be cliched, but I loved that they did this) and it's bites Howard. Howard is concerned that it might have rabies, and despite it not showing any symptoms, he wants to go to the emergency room just in case. As he leaves the room Bernadette tells Valentino, 'we'll have to find another time to tell him I'm pregnant.' It's been a long time coming, but there it is, awkwardly revealed to the audience by Bernadette talking to a rabbit. It was just such as odd way to reveal it, you think that the writers would want to go for something bigger but I guess I should also commend their self-control on deciding for a more subtle reveal.

Rating: 3/5

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