Thursday, 31 January 2013

Revenge 2.12 Review: Collusion

Emily's playing a dangerous game trying to get to The Initiative, and Collusion made it apparent that she might not have all the control she might like. In convincing Daniel to acquire Stonehaven in a business deal, Emily unwittingly gave The Initiative exactly what they wanted. Furthermore, it severely hindered her partnership with Victoria, who was adamant she stop Daniel's furthering plans at Grayson Global. While The Initiative’s introduction into Revenge defines the show as extremely melodramatic, at least Revenge knows what it is. The revelation that they plan to use Nolan’s confidential Carrion project in order to shut off all of Manhattan's electricity, and that they've used Daniel to require Stonehaven, a disaster relief foundation, so that they can profit from using Carrion is over the top dramatics at its peak. The way in which The Initiative has seemingly worked their way into the lives of the characters of Revenge is another prime example of this. Aiden tried to play along with their plans and kill Victoria, but Emily convinced him not to, leading to (possibly) his sister's death. Not even Nolan is immune to their manipulative powers, discovering his employee/ lover Padma is working for them. Let's just hope her reasons are more intriguing and not so banal as Daniel's. Meanwhile, are even more banal storyline involving the Porters and the Stowaway continues, and just as I knew it would more of Revenge's characters have been dragged into this silly plot. Hopefully Conrad's business deal with Nate to take control of the docks, and tear small businesses down to create a new high-end casino in an attempt to run for politics provides more interesting developments for all the characters involved other than Jack and Declan wondering around like stunned mullets.
Rating: 2.5/5

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